Scheduled Name of Event Event Description Presenter(s)
Sunday 9:45 am - 10:45 am Chicana ‘Her-Story’: You’ve Heard ‘History’: Now Hear Hers Maria has created a multi media presentation of oral history, including teatro, music, rap, and storytelling through the characters of several pre-Colombian women. She presents a feminine perspective of what has transpired over these last 500 plus years since 1492 when Columbus invaded the America’s Maria Ramirez
Saturday 9:45 am - 11:00 am Creating Goddess Art and Activism Cristina Biaggi shows and discusses her large-scale projects—the Great Goddess Sculpture, the Goddess Mound and The Web—and her feminist and Earth-defense activism. Max Dashu shares her early drawings of ecstatic dancers, Witch Dream Comix, Tarot arcana, political posters, and paintings that re-envision shamans, goddesses, and women’s history. Cristina Biaggi & Max Dashu
Saturday 3:45 pm  -5:00 pm Pancha Kanya:  Five Inspired Heroines of Hindu Mythology This project is a multimedia presentation that integrates narrative storytelling with Indian classical dance and music to illustrate the divine femininity of Pancha Kanya (Ahalya, Draupadi, Kunti, Tara, Mandodari) – five inspiring heroines in Hindu mythology. Their strength and resilience to overcome traumatic trials and tribulations will be highlighted by weaving together common themes of duty, loss, and empowerment in their stories. The innate energy or shakti within each of these ancient kanyas will be drawn on as inspiration for women all over the world. Aishwarya Subramanian
Saturday 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Rise Up! Living Boldly from the Sacred Space of Authentic Self-Expression Now is the time for women and people of difference to rise up into their power of authenticity for deep healing and transformation. This interactive session engages participants to better understand upon what authenticity means to them and how they can embrace and express it more deeply and consistently in the world. This powerful session includes a diverse pedagogy of contemplation, activities, lecture, discussion, and ritual to evoke a sacred space of radical transformative knowing. Rev. Sunshine Michelle
Sunday 11:00 am -12:00 pm The Non-Toxic Masculine and the Archetype of the Green Man A new paradigm of masculinity is urgently needed if we are to stop the destruction of our planet by the militarized, dominator masculine which has us all in its grip. This presenters will show images and talk about the archetype of the Green Man as a guide to a non-toxic masculine that predates the Enlightenment in the West. Rachael Vaughan and Jack Gescheidt
Saturday 3:45 pm  -5:00 pm Wise Hands: Art as Sacred Practice In the word “Ineffable”, the English language admits its own limitations.  This word bespeaks an entire realm of experience that is, by definition, beyond words. Our desire to evoke this ineffable realm calls forth the language of art, the colorful, shapely language of the mythic imagination. Our artful Wise Hands can access and express profound mythic consciousness. Rose Frances
Saturday 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Women's Sacred Practices at the Center of Old European  Civilization: This lavishly illustrated presentation pays homage to the Lithuanian-American archaeologist Marija Gimbutas by presenting visual evidence of the centrality of women's rituals within the long-lived, indigenous societies of Old Europe (c. 6500-3500 BCE). The predominance of Neolithic female imagery preserved throughout southeast Europe shows ensembles of women in ritual postures, incised or painted with signs and symbols, evidence of ceremonial costumes, often with animal masks, indicating a sacred kinship with all of life. Women's ancient practices of tending to peoples' spiritual needs, honoring the cycles of birth, death, and the regeneration of life, are deeply rooted in the timeless reality of the sacredness of the living Earth. Joan Marler